Diets diets diets

I recently had a guest lecturer come into my Health Promotion class and talk about nutrition and diets. Although I already knew everything she talked about, it really motivated me to eat cleaner, whole foods as opposed to food-products. It can be more expensive and take more planning, so I’m working on finding options that will work for my cheapo-graduate student lifestyle 😛


Look at all those fruits and veggies…yumyumyum. I love eating color!

I also recently spoke with my mom, who has decided to transition into a vegetarian diet. She is also on a gluten-free diet because she has Celiac disease. People…..if you do not have gluten sensitivities or Celiac disease, DO NOT go on a gluten-free diet. Its not “healthier”. It doesn’t promote weight loss. It doesn’t cure MS or Autism. There are no robust, reproducible studies that show this. Don’t make a diet that is NEEDED by people with a disease into a joke, into a fad-diet. This is Hollywood’s doing, and I hate it. Dumb Hollywood.

Really people? Restrict ANY food (sub)group, decrease portion sizes, and exercise more and DUH you will lose weight. I could lose weight by cutting everything out but icecream…….And this, ladies and gents, is the crux of fad dieting.

Talking with my mom and sitting in that class simply reinforced the idea I have held for a while about diets. They work short term because they are extreme and usually cut-out a macro-nutrient group. But is this sustainable? No….which is why people end up yo-yo dieting (I’m guilty of this!) and gaining back more than they lost with every fad-diet.

So what I’m working on now is not slipping back into this (or worse…). I think adding vegetarianism to a gluten-free diet like my mom wants to will result in severe nutrient deficiencies that can be avoided by being more mindful of the animal products you are eating. Outside of the moral issues with eating animals, I do not understand the vegetarian diet varieties that avoid any animal meat and products. I get adding more fruits and veggies. I get making them the main staple in every meal. But, why would you take a supplement instead when you can eat things that occur naturally on this earth that our kind has been eating for forever? Maybe I am just ultra-biased because I am a carnivore and LOVE LOVE LOVE steak. I’m working on cutting back on red-meat and choosing leaner cuts, but I am in no way going to cut it out completely. Meat is full of B-vitamins, phosphorous, zinc, and is satiating!

I do think it is important for the majority of people to cut-back on fatty animal meats, processed foods chalked full of sodium and mystery chemicals, eating more veggies/fruits, eliminating added sugars (this is the only thing that we can live without and should be eliminated all together), and MOVING more. I have failed at most of these, swinging from extreme restriction to the “typical American diet”. It is killing people, and it is not confined to America any longer.

I always find it interesting to think about how we came to crave the stuff that is so bad for us. At one point in our history, they were scarce resources. We were hunters and gatherers, and our next meal was never guaranteed. We were so much more physically active, out of necessity. Now, we don’t “persistence hunt” anything, formerly scarce resources are easy to find, but our bodies still want the fat and sugar. Our faces and attention are sucked into iphones, ipads, tv, and computers. We drive cars everywhere. Fat, sugar, and refined carbs are the cheapest easiest options. Its no mystery why the world is getting fatter. Its a big problem….and I have ideas (cycling infrastructure to promote active commuting!!) but it’ll take change in every facet of society to really tackle the problem.

This is an AWESOME book that briefly talks about persistence hunting. It gets a lil preachy about barefoot running for a couple chapters, but is overall an amazing story!

So please, be smart. Be sensible! I know as much as I’d like to down a 20oz steak marbled with delicious fat, I didn’t spend all day tracking, slaughtering, and dragging an animal back home to eat it. We aren’t Neanderthals, but we can’t sustain a healthy body by eliminating macro-nutrients. If you are thinking about vegetarianism, maybe think about only using animal meat as a condiment. Moderation is key to sustainable dietary patterns.

And as for change, what you put in your shopping cart is what they will make more of. I’ll be thinking about this when I go grocery shopping this evening.

Better than nothing…..

I need to become more serious if I ever want to be a triathlete I can be proud of.

I was able to get some rides and runs in about every other day this week, but throwing in a 20 mile bike in here…..a 3 mile run in there….is the bare minimum. Better than nothing.  But I don’t want to be “better than nothing” anymore.  At the very best, this will help me maintain the meager fitness I have.  It won’t do anything to advance it.  I’m sick of “better than nothing” workouts.

Its hard when you have a job, and are also in Grad school full time.  I get back home and I am usually so mentally exhausted that my brain gets in the way of what my body wants.  How do I overcome this? I have to become more consistent about everything.

EATING: I have become a bit more consistent here, since my BF got diagnosed with diabetes.  But when he isn’t around, I either eat junk or forget to eat all together (usually when I’m on a roll working on my thesis).  Yes, I love my BF and want to help him stay healthy but I have to think about myself too, right? Meal prep. takes some advanced planning, which I’m usually good at for dinner.  But when it comes to breakfast, I’m usually running late and barely get anything in me.  Since I was running late in the morning, I didn’t have time to make lunch.  And remember, I’m a broke grad student, so I can’t be buying lunch all the time.

SLEEPING: Maybe this is the one thing I am actually good at.  I find myself thinking “well, I don’t have to sacrifice sleep just yet to study, for med school, for babies….so I might as well get 6,7,8 hours if I can”.  So far this second year of grad school, I have been able to squeeze what I have to do for the day before 9-11pm rolls around.  No all nighters yet.  But that’ll change with exam/project week coming up :/

WORK/THESIS: I’m lucky that my work is very flexible and allows my hours to be all over the place.  But I need money, and I need to be working a little more to get the bills paid.  As a student, I am technically not allowed to work for the University more than 15 hours a week if I am studying full time.   I have been making it to ~10 hrs a week, because school does take up a lot of my time.  I don’t have a schedule for my thesis, and I think that’s my greatest pitfall.  I work on it when the mood strikes….when I am feeling inspired.  That usually leads to 6-8 hours straight of working on it without breaks, eating, etc.  I get into the zone and can’t get out.  And if I do, it is very difficult to get back in again.

RIDING/RUNNING/SWIMMING: Well, as I mentioned before this is also all over the place when the mood strikes and I’m not feeling completely spent after school.  I guess my problem is not having a plan.  A schedule. No short term goals to aim for (just that triathlon I want to do in Jax in June 2013).  Swimming at this point is non-existent 😦

Moral of the story.  I need to schedule this stuff.  Give them their specific set of hours during a specific time of the day.  Would this be a good idea?  Would over scheduling just lead to disappointment?  I have rigorously scheduled things before, and if I missed something I felt very guilty and down for the rest of the day and it usually ended up affecting the rest of my schedule.   How do I find a balance between being completely lax and not hating on myself for following a schedule to a T?

I’ll be working on this….along with 1000000 other schools stuffs….in the days/weeks/months to come.